

正当法律程序(due process 或 due process of law)为一个重要的法律原则,其主要源自于英美法系的国家,其内容为,政府必须要尊重任何依据国内法赋予给人民的法律上之权利,而非仅尊重其中一部分或大部分的权利。在美国,随着案例法的逐渐发展,本原则给予了个人相当大的能力在对抗政府或机关暴力以实现个人权利,而此原则通常不会被拿来对抗其他个人。
















“正当法律程序”这个概念的产生可以被回溯自1215年的大宪章。在大宪章的第39章中,英国国王约翰做出了以下的承诺:“任何自由人不得被捉拿、拘囚、剥夺产业,放逐或受任何损害。除非受同等人之合法判决及国法所允许,我们亦不会自己充当军队或派军攻击他。(No free man shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.)”[2]而大宪章本身马上就成为“国法”的一部分,大宪章第61章授权给被选举出来的25人男爵团当国王触犯了任何人皆须受到保障的权利时,以多数决纠正之[2]。因此,大宪章借由要求王室必须要服从法律,同时也限制王室如何变更国法,而在英国创设了法治(rule of law)。然而,必须要注意的是,在13世纪时,这些规定的效力可能仅及于地主的权利,而不包含一般的民或乡村居民在内[3]

较精简版的大宪章之后由英国国王签署,而大宪章第39条的人数则被改为29人[4]。而“正当法律程序”(due process of law)这个词,首见于1354年爱德华三世统治时,关于大宪章的法令:“任何人非经正当法律程序,不得剥夺其土地或住所,不得将其逮捕或监禁,亦不得剥夺其继承权或将其处死。”(No man of what state or condition he be, shall be put out of his lands or tenements nor taken, nor disinherited, nor put to death, without he be brought to answer by due process of law.)[5]

1608年时,英国法学家爱德华·科克所写的专论中,便有讨论到大宪章的定义。科克解释认为,其中的“国法”(the law of the land),是指“判例法、成文法或英格兰的传统...(一言以蔽之)即正当的程序以及法定的程序...”[6]



  1. 在公民被控告和索赔之前,必须给予公民通知。
  2. 在剥夺公民人身自由和所有财产之前,必须给予公民机会反驳控告和索赔。


  1. 翁岳生编,行政法(下),台北:元照,2006年,98。.
  2. 2.0 2.1 1215年大宪章全文 (原文)、1215年大宪章翻译文——辅仁大学副教授雷敦龢(Edmund Ryden)先生 释译
  3. McKechnie, William Sharp. Magna Carta: A Commentary on the Great Charter of King John. Glasgow: Robert MacLehose and Co., Ltd. 1905: 136–37. : "The question must be considered an open one; but much might be said in favor of the opinion that 'freeman' as used in the Charter is synonymous with 'freeholder'...."
  4. The Text of Magna Carta (1297)
  5. 28 Edw. 3, c. 3
  6. 2 Institutes of the Laws of England 46(1608)


  • Goldberg v. Kelly
  • U.S. Constitution: Fifth Amendment. Findlaw. [2009-04-07]. 
  • Bernstein, David. Rehabilitating Lochner: Defending Individual Rights against Progressive Reform. Chapter 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2011. ISBN 0-307-26313-4. 
  • Breyer, Stephen. Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution. New York: Knopf. 2005. ISBN 0-307-26313-4. 
  • Friendly, Henry J. Some Kind of Hearing. University of Pennsylvania Law Review (University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 123, No. 6). 1975, 123 (6): 1267–1317. JSTOR 3311426. doi:10.2307/3311426. 
  • Hawkins, Brian. The Glucksberg Renaissance: Substantive Due Process since Lawrence v. Texas (PDF). Michigan Law Review. 2006, 105 (2): 409. 
  • Hyman, Andrew. The Little Word 'Due'. Akron Law Review. 2005, 38: 1. 
  • Kadish, Sanford H. Methodology and Criteria in Due Process Adjudication—A Survey and Criticism. Yale Law Journal. 1957, 66 (3): 319–363. JSTOR 793970. 
  • Madison, P. A. A Dummies Guide to Understanding the Fourteenth Amendment. FederalistBlog.us. 2008. 
  • Nowak, John; Rotunda, Ronald. Constitutional Law. West. 2000. 
  • Orth, John. Due Process of Law: A Brief History. University Press of Kansas. 2003. 
  • Ring, Kevin. Scalia Dissents: Writings of the Supreme Court's Wittiest, Most Outspoken Justice. Washington: Regnery. 2004. ISBN 0-89526-053-0. 
  • Shipley, David E. Due Process Rights Before EU Agencies: The Rights of Defense Article discussing the procedural safeguards that have been recognized in the EU and the parallels between procedural due process in the United States and the rights of defense in the EU.
  • Sudbury Valley School (1970). Due Process of Law in School. A school where order and discipline is achieved by a dual approach based on a free and democratic framework: a combination of popularly based authority, when rules and regulations are made by the community as a whole, fairly and democratically passed by the entire school community, supervised by a good judicial system for enforcing these laws—due process of law—and developing internal discipline in the members of the community by enhancing their ability to bear responsibility and self-sufficiency.
  • Yoshino, Kenji. The Pressure to Cover: The New Civil Rights. The New York Times Magazine. 2006-01-15.  Discussing potential of liberty rights to overtake equality rights.
  • Tugend, Alina. Speaking Freely About Politics Can Cost You Your Job. The New York Times. 2015-02-20.  "It’s important to remember that even though private employees don’t have constitutional or federal protection, they do have a due process right."

